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aww - (a)dminister (w)ml (w)ebsites

is a frontend to wml (w)ebsite (m)eta (l)anguage (see - written by Ralf Engelschall). The aww frontend can do a lot more than the standard wmk that comes with wml, and you can easily write modules for aww yourself.


    aww [-n|-s|-d|-p|-e|-h|-v] <name of your project>
            -n: create a new aww-project
            -s: show a given aww-project and all wml options
            -d: delete a aww-project
            -f: force the processing of all sourcefiles
            -p: process a aww-project (same as no option)
            -e: export HTML-Output of an wml-website
            -h: print this short help
            -v: verbose output


This program is only interesting for people that are using wml to create their websites. If you have several .wml files in a directory you can use wmk so that you don't have to execute the wml program once for every file. But if you always want to execute a different program before the wml run, or e.g. like to connect all files in the directory you can't use wmk anymore.

You don't have to write bash-scripts yourself for every directory and another one to connect the scripts (which lacks the overview after some time) - now you can use aww for the complete administration. Your complete project is processed and exported to an FTP-Server with one simple command.

In the actual release the aww program has 3 standard modules (index, duplicate, thumbnail) that will help you creating your website - see Aww::Options for more infos on the modules

First run aww without any arguments - a main config file will be written in the .aww dir in your homedir. The standard configs should work with a standard wml website, but have a look at the config-files to be sure.


-n, --new
creates a new aww project for you. You have to answer different questions about your ftp-server (so that you can later export the Website with the -e option), and the directories of the sourcefiles and where to put the created pages (Outputfiles). If you let check for subdirectories, they are all added to the the sourcedirectories.

Then you can assign different options to every sourcedirectory (see Aww::Options) that will be processed on the directory before the wml files in the directory are processed.

When everything went ok, you have now a aww project that you can use to create your website.

-s, --show
Prints out all the information stored in the corresponding configuration-file of the project

-d, --delete
deletes the configuration file for the project (no files of the project itself!)

-f, --force
This flag forces the fresh creation of all sourcefiles. In standard mode only newer sourcefiles are processed, but when you have changed some basics (e.g. an Template) you can force the processing of all files with this option.

-p, --process (same as no option at all)
This triggers the main processing subroutine that creates the complete website from the source wml-files. First all options for the directories are processed (see Aww::Options)and then all previously unprocessed .wml files are processed to create your website.

You can adjust the degree of verbosity in the main config file ($HOME/.aww/config) or with the -v flag

-e, --export
This flag will export the generated website to a ftp-server using lftp (or ncftpput).

-v, --verbose
This flag sets the verbosity level for aww. You can use it up to three times for full verbosity (aww -vvv project). If none is set, aww examines the main config file for the verbosity level.


You need the following programs to run the full featured aww:

wml - Version > 2.0.7 (see )
lftp - Version > 2.0.0 (see )
(or ncftpput - Version > 3.0.0 (see ))

You need also the following non-standard perl modules (you can find this modules at ):

Image::Magick (see )


Copyright (C) 2003-2006 by Michael Schilling <aww [at] 42nd (period) de>, All Rights Reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


html2wml - a small helper program.

Programmers can find more information in the Aww::Main manpage, the Aww::lib manpage and the Aww::Options manpage


Very limited support for wml-slices: only full wml shebang lines work!

This software is still in a very early development state. Despite the programmer himself uses this software, it is tested only very limited. Thats why there are probably a lot of bugs, and so this software comes with absolut no warranty! || webmaster